Monday, September 26, 2011


Pity the American Northwest, afflicted now with yet another blog meandering through the late night accounts of places "discovered" and otherwise gushed over or rated under. Orated under pretense of actual knowledge about how the place really is.

But here comes another. And damned if I ain't Virginian, like the Lewis dude (dandy, to be precise) who came out here with that Clarktographer a while back. But I'm not like him, an actual explorer, or even a territorial governor. Not quite as crazy but also not as dead. 

The Northwest was utterly new to me when I came here in 2008, part of the Virginia diaspora fleeing Representative Cantor's cancerous polity, unemployment, drought, and all manner of post-manor disorders. I'd fled to Hawai`i for a decade or so before, and tried to carry myself back to Old Virginny, but after a few years it became apparent that bidding aloha to the islands in the "hello" sense was never gonna happen because it is so expensive. 

Then suddenly, all signs pointed to the Northwest, to Olympia. So I came and interviewed for a job during the 2007 Chehalis rains that took out I-5 for a while, and it immediately felt right. By the middle of January, I was driving here in a pickup with a U-haul trailer, which is how the whole blogging thing started.

These days, the original blog has some of the kind of writing you'll find here, but also politics, gardening, urban wildlife, and other crap. But you're here because you want to know something about some of the wheres somewhere in this vast land. And you don't mind my weird writing.

I love it here, and I ain't leaving. Now and then, I'll post something about somewhere. Some of you may enjoy it.

In the meantime, I'm gonna paste in the original entry of Mojourner Truth, which before that was a series of emails I wrote from the road while driving cross country. So if you thought you could escape by not clicking on the link above, you're gonna see it if you keep scrolling. Fair warning.

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